December 2017

I have started the painting of Dimity but hit a wall. I will get back to it soon but my mental state changed and I need to improve it to paint.

AJ and I went up to Mackay to celebrate my father’s 60th with the rest of the family. AJ had the idea to get together and fits in very well with my family, particularly with the nephews and niece.

After getting back home I have had appointments with my Psychologist and Psychiatrist and has helped me to realize how important routines are, especially for aspies, as well as seeing more of the “grey” in the world, not just black and white. I also need to work on letting go of the neglect/disappointment that I felt from my family, which has left me seeking approval with everything I do as well as robbing any self confidence I had, if I had any.

AJ and his family are taking me on a cruise again this Christmas/New Years. We are leaving Sydney and sailing around New Zealand. I’m looking forward to seeing some of the unique wildlife and habitats but will miss Doyle and all other snakes but only for a short time and I’m sure there will be more than enough to distract me.

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