Komodo awaits!

About to head off on another cruise, a sort of family holiday for by partners family. We will be flying to Singapore then boarding the cruise ship bound for Indonesia including a stop at Komodo Island! I am extremely excited to see Komodo Dragons in the wild, I have seen them a few times in Zoos in Australia.

The video for my last cruise is on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U87LVACXC04&t=67s and I did a soundtrack which is on Bandcamp.

I finally started the canvas I made last year but it’s large and I don’t have all the colours I need yet. I will see if I can get some paint tomorrow but probably would be able to do much before I leave but I did finally start it.painting-21_12_16

Resting from cruise and family

I went to my sisters wedding and was utterly offended by the hypocrisy of the event and how I was actively prejudiced against. I was talked out of leaving by some of my family but overall I’m done with my family there is no middle ground and I do not need to be taunted.

The next day I went with my partner on a cruise of the South Pacific. We went to New Caledonia and Vanuatu on a 9 night trip. It was lovely and a great way to relax from an intense time with family and first semester back at university. I am making a video from the trip but it’s not done yet.

I got the results from my first semester, for Ecology the second year subject I got a pass, for Chemistry II the second semester chemistry I got a credit and for Genetics And Evolutionary Biology I got a distinction. I have enrolled into 3 subjects for the first trimester of next year which starts late February 2017.