Post Christmas

Went up to Mackay for a week to spend Christmas with family and get away from the ex. Christmas went well everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. On the days leading up to Christmas I worked on a song I had written and was able to finish it. I am uploading it now.

When I got back to Rockhampton I found the ex had moved out something he promised he wouldn’t do leaving me with the house and the mess he made. I am now extremely furious with him so if you read this you are a pratt and owe me big for all you have done!!!!

I’m moving soon so all will be good in the future.

Sick of it all!!!

I just had a “new good friend” just end the friendship. I really enjoyed having this friend around while my life is a mess. I will always be grateful.

I don’t know how to keep things going. I just want to crawl into a hole and ignore everything.