Music cont.

I’m trying to slowly continue on with my life after being away but it is very hard. Started recording again today a instrumental jazz piano piece. Not sure how it is going to go yet but I’m not going to rush it. I’m hoping that getting creative again will help my thinking process. I always seem to be on the edge of a deep ravine that is full of anger and hatred and trying not to fall in because it wont be pretty. So I shouldn’t find it too strange that the piece I recorded is full of minor chords. I really was hoping to go positive with my music. I think I should have known better. It is relatively amusing me, I don’t know if I can do truly positive music.

Back home again

Well I’m home now but missing the Bat Clinic and hoping to return soonish. My relationship has returned to the pervious unhealthy state after a month of missing each other then a very happy welcome home. My rough, very rough, plan is to move down to the Gold Coast Hinterland when my lease runs out in April. I hope to be able to study to be a vet nurse down there, which will make it SO much easier to get employment. I am just unsure if my partner will move down with me. I have never been able to choose between bats (and other animals) and human relationships, I don’t think it is a case of one or the other it is always both for me. I can’t see why humans constantly see themselves as more important and if a choice needs to be made they always think they come first.