
My name is Joel & am going to try to write a blog just to get things of of my head. This is not really aimed at getting a following just a place for me to vent and note important events.

I live on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. I am very interested in art and have been painting most of my life so I will post some of my paintings. Music is also very important to me, I need to listen to music virtually constantly. I produce a bit of music as well but am mostly self taught therefore my music is not good and no one seems to like it.

I am a gay, Christian with autism (Asperger’s syndrome), ADHD, PTSD and a few ongoing injuries from a life-threatening accident. I don’t have self confidence or even like myself for being so unique due to an abusive childhood but am trying to accept myself. I don’t really have friends due to my inability to communicate to other humans. But mostly I prefer to socialise with animals, I was a zookeeper & did a bachelor of science with double majors of wildlife biology and marine biology then honours. I am currently a PhD candidate investigating when/where/how/why people encounter and engage with wildlife, aiming to increase conservation potential for non-charismatic species.

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